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lightsbane72 karma


lightsbane9 karma


lightsbane6 karma

Poor Chuck Schuldiner is rolling in his grave right now.

You've obviously never heard of Possessed, Death, Obituary, or any of the many other bands that predate Cannibal Corpse.

as big as death metal was probably gonna get.

Give me a break man, jesus. I like Cannibal just fine, but we're talking about the band whose biggest claim to fame is Ace fucking Ventura, censorship controversy over their early album covers, and some shitty overly graphic t-shirts.

I think I'd prefer my legacy to be my actual music, myself.

I'll repeat, I have nothing particular against them, and they are technically proficient, but they're kind of a joke. Death metal paint-by-numbers following the same simple formula album after album. That's okay, they're good at what they do, but they're hardly the lyrical wordsmiths of death metal.

You're also talking about Emperor in the same sentence as Cannibal and Sepultura. I love Emperor, but they are nothing even approaching death metal, and had nothing whatsoever to do with the scene that Cannibal was a part of.

You're allowed to like Cannibal Corpse, but you do not know what you are talking about when it comes to the origins of death metal. At all.


lightsbane6 karma

Im surprised that you are a death metal singer and you dont listen to the guys who pretty much invented death metal and put it on the world to see.

I don't have the first fucking clue how to respond to that.

Barnes would probably glow if you said that to him, he's got quite the hungry ego for a little guy, but I think Corpsegrinder would laugh at you for saying that.

And Barnes simply can't growl consistently like he used to. Ever listen to Six Feet Under lately? He lost it a long time ago. Even his performance on Torture Killer's Swarm album as their vocalist was mediocre at best.

He lost the ability to really do his old growls somewhere between Cannibal Corpse's The Bleeding album and SFU's Warpath.

Cannibal Corpse didn't invent anything, they're fun and all, but they're pretty much the Spinal Tap of death metal.

lightsbane2 karma
