Highest Rated Comments

lietu198 karma

If something seems too good to be true, it's not

You probably mean "it is" 😄

lietu63 karma

Using Biometric ID is incredibly risky due to the lack of legal protection they have and that they don't require your consent. You may always refuse to share your password, you often can't refuse to share your face or fingerprint.

lietu31 karma

A client once had someone attempt to DDoS extort them. The payment they requested was a new Macbook Pro delivered to their home address, which was of course promptly forwarded to the police of the relevant countries.

lietu14 karma

No, it has the opposite effect of making your security worse.

lietu13 karma

Finland essentially has no e-identification system. I say this as a Finnish citizen that is not able to log into most systems in Finland, or generally identify myself remotely, because I am not a client of Finnish banks.

The Finnish government has a system for logging in with an uncommon type of ID card, but it's only available for government systems to use. Similarly you can use that uncommon ID card to sign documents, but I've never seen anyone in Finland recognize or accept that digital signature.

I've submitted my latest address to the Finnish government by writing, in a plain web form with no authentication or digital signatures of any kind, my social security number, and full address details, and it was accepted with no attempts to verify the information.