Highest Rated Comments

lettherebemorelight124 karma

I always wanted to try commercial fishing, but I’m 6’6”. Would I be totally miserable living on a boat, or is there enough space for a bloke like me?

lettherebemorelight8 karma

Do the doctors have any idea why you were able to recover so fully when the prognosis was so bad?

lettherebemorelight2 karma

It's much more like a celibate priest writing a book about healthy sex.

lettherebemorelight2 karma

Some things are so taboo that people won’t even admit to them anonymously online. Why is this? Some taboos are openly talked about online, but others never are.

lettherebemorelight2 karma

Where do you see the future of psychedelic therapy going? I’m a veteran in the scene, and have some apprehensions about their legal incorporation into a more “clinical” approach, chiefest being ease of access to poorer people, and therapeutic protocols being divorced from traditional systems of wisdom/denuding it of the spiritual component.

I have apprehensions about the underground scene as well; lack of institutional vetting and accountability for practitioners, lack of education regarding drug interactions, etc.