Highest Rated Comments

letseatlunch372 karma

Oculus looks really scary, should i still see it? also loved the work you did with Doctor Who, I was really sad to see Amy Pond go :(

letseatlunch73 karma

Yea this whole thing seems mostly staged. Also he's only doing 30 minutes? This is why I love AMAs by like Adam savage who keeps asking for more questions.

letseatlunch9 karma

When will arabic for english speakers be available? It's the 5th largest language in the world and doulingo supports all sorts of obscure stuff like Klingon. Worse there isn't even an doulingo incubator for it. I don't buy any feasibility issues because english for arabic speakers is already available and out of incubator and doulingo supports a verity of languages already like hebrew, yiddish, and soon Japanese.