Highest Rated Comments

letihontas422 karma

Thanks for a great article!

For those who want to be conscientious consumers of delivery services in NYC - which platform is considered best by those making deliveries? Any pointers besides making tips in cash?

letihontas16 karma

Up to now I've been ordering almost exclusively with Caviar so guess I'll keep it up but change my tips over to cash. Thanks so much!

letihontas8 karma

It is DoorDash's fault for misleading its customers. I would never leave a tip if I knew I was merely padding DoorDash's margins, and consumers had a right to demand a change to that. It's DoorDash's responsibility to make that right for it's dashers.

letihontas0 karma

Apparently you didn’t read the article which quoted drivers stating that conditions working for restaurants are far worse.