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lemoninfluence387 karma

And yet somehow that's less creepy than the original.

lemoninfluence8 karma

Currently we don't have that right.

Do you not elect MPs?

Scotland as a whole, may not get to decide its government, but then neither does the north of England. Instead, we operate as part of a greater entity and as a consequence we are sometimes subject to the rule of governments that we didn't vote for.

Would you urge the Northern English to join you in the fight for independence from a government it didn't vote for?

lemoninfluence3 karma

Because we should seek greater political representation.

seems fair...

Instead of having a Tory government (that can make some decisions for us) which does not represent Scotland at all as we are much more left-leaning than England which is represented in how we vote.

I don't like this government either. I didn't vote for it, nobody I know of voted for it. We elected a labour MP therefore we aren't represented. The coalition has an overall majority and so there's nothing my MP can do to oppose legislation I (and others) disagree with.

If Scotland leaves the union and takes it's left leaning people with it, we'll be doomed to decades of right wing bollocks.

Should we push for independence too?