Highest Rated Comments

lemmingparty82 karma

Chris, I have been following Rachelle on FB since I read her AMA. I was blown away by her positive attitude. The fact that she not only doesn't blame her friend that pushed her in but feels bad for the friend for having to live with that guilt just says so much about her as a person.

I guess the only question I have is are you ever overwhelmed with the care you have to provide? I suffer from RA and I have to lean on my husband for quite a lot now and it has changed the dynamic in our relationship. Did you find it changed a lot in how you both relate to each other? I know my husband treats me so much more gently now and he doesn't have to be asked to help me, he knows my limitations and steps up to the plate. I can't tell you how much that means to someone who is suffering with a disease or disability, to have someone there who understands and genuinely cares. (I hope it does not sound like I am comparing my RA with what Rachelle is going through, just sharing my experience!) Now, while my husband has definitely stepped up to the plate I know it can also be overwhelming for him. Sometimes you don't feel like doing something but your partner needs the help. I'd love some insight into how that works for you, and what it feels like to be in that position.

lemmingparty40 karma

COME ON REDDIT! Let's get this guy laid!

Seriously though it must be such a relief to still be able to have that part of your life available to you. I know someone who is paralyzed who is not so lucky. (Lucky is a strange term to use in this kind of situation but you know what I mean)

lemmingparty14 karma

As much as my heart breaks for Rachelle, I am just gutted for the friend. She thinks about what she did every single day of her life and probably always will. Accidents like this are awful because even if there is no blame placed by the injured party, the person responsible will never be able to get away from the thoughts that they ruined someones life.

I hope one day the friend finds peace with what has happened, as I feel that Rachelle has.

lemmingparty9 karma

She is such an inspiration, I love hearing about her life. It is very inspiring to see someone who has made the best out of a shitty situation. You have to let go of all the "what if's" and just accept that this is your life now, it may not be the life you imagined but it is still a beautiful thing to be alive and experiencing this world we live in.

I'm the high strung one in our relationship... and my husband is the laid back one. So I think I can relate to you there!

lemmingparty1 karma
