Highest Rated Comments

lejaco657 karma

Hello there.

  1. I graduated university with a lot of debt. My family are very dysfunctional, and coupled with issues such as bankruptcy, prison sentences and other deep personal info it was not a place I wanted to go back to. With the debts I have, and the income I was on as a musician and other side jobs, my income fluctuated weekly but was really very low. Because I didn't have a steady income, landlords were uninterested in my application, as York is a very desirable place to live and there was always somebody wanting a house who had the safety net I didnt. I stayed with friends for as long as I could, but when that couldn't last I took to performing in peoples houses in exchange for a place to stay. It was actually a really cool experience. I didn't have it as rough as some people I met and I'm eternally thankful for that, and for the power music has to connect people.

  2. Like I say, I didn't have it as bad as some people. Not at all. In fact now I'm questoining myself if saying 'homeless' is misleading as I only had to actually sleep rough for around three weeks of the three months. One night I got all my busking money taken, clothes and sleeping back pissed on, took a few punches and was about to have my guitar smashed up before anyone stepped in. I dunno, because I was young and in a heavily student-populated city I think people just thought I was a drunk student most of the nights they saw me. Best experience is what this AMA is about.

  3. She is a successful business lady from Las Vegas, Nevada. She was visiting her (then) boyfriend in London, and he suggested they take a trip to York for the day, where they then bumped into me.

  4. I have no regrets. None at all. Things are better with my family since I have been gone and come back. It's been a blessing.

lejaco542 karma

Absolutely I am. I'm even dating her niece now!

lejaco455 karma

Haha I know right... Pheweeeee.

lejaco317 karma

Nick! You introduced me to reddit. Crazy this isn't it?

lejaco303 karma

Hey that's not rude at all and thanks for commenting! To be honest I posted this more to focus on what a brilliant woman this lady is, and to show how music can really bring people together. I guess I've missed a trick there though as a few people have asked that. I wasn't expecting even five replies so hey ho! I'll add it now as an edit.