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legomationer4 karma

What exactly is the specific difference between say a general purpose machine gun and a light machine gun? The role it's deployed in? Can't that vary between countries and even branches or specific units?

What's the difference between a submachine gun, and a machine pistol, and/or a PDW and carbine? If it needs 2 hands its a SMG but 1 means it's a machine pistol? If it shoots a pistol caliber (what does this even mean really) it's an SMG, but if it shoots some proprietary or rifle rounds it becomes a PDW (unless it is a shortened version of a full-size rifle in which case it is a carbine)? The MG 34 was classed as a GPMG, LMG, and MMG depending on it's role. The STG44, effectively the first modern "assault rifle" was classified as several different weapon (sub machine gun, machine carbine) types before the term "assault rifle" was created for it, and the MP40 is classified as a SMG but the MP literally stands for "machine pistol".

Arguing about what ill-defined class a weapon belongs to is pointless enough where it's relevant, but how much does it really matter in an AMA about video games?


legomationer2 karma

Under the rules of videogame weapon classes they are.

legomationer1 karma

Speaking of Reach (and since I noticed you mentioned player customization) will we be able to make our player character female? And will we have robotic prosthesis (arms or legs, or maybe even eyes/skullplates) available as customization options (either purely aesthetic or with stat bonuses)?

If it isn't obvious I basically just want to be Kat.

legomationer1 karma

Hey, big fan here, bought Spearhead and support medals almost 5 years ago, haven't played much of the early access version though so forgive me if this is already ingame, but do you guys plan to have controller support in the final game?