Highest Rated Comments

lazyjeenius11 karma

Mr. Christ, I came here simply to say thank you. It's refreshing to have someone with a respectable and professional background leading the fight for common sense, the struggle to legalize marijuana has been plagued by "hippies" that have been little match for our politicians, I think LEAP has much stronger ground from which to lead the movement. Thank you for taking the time to do this AMA! Before I go, what are your thoughts on the militirization of our police forces, including the purchasing of surplus military vehicles and the continued erosion of the 2nd and 4th amendments?

lazyjeenius4 karma

It's pretty interesting hearing people your age make me feel old as fuck. I was working at a law firm upstate listening to stern when it happened, I also happened to be enlisted in the national guard at the time, as an MP, consider yourself lucky that you didn't have to suffer some of the emotions that older people did, I envy your experience.

lazyjeenius1 karma

I should add CBD's also

lazyjeenius1 karma

While I follow news related to the fight against prohibition as much as possible, I've even made monotary donations to NORML, I have yet to see anyone argue against the scheduling of marijuana using the governments list of patents as a tool to prove its worth medically. Has LEAP ever considered this route, or attempted to change the scheduling based on the federally held patents that prove THC has medicinal benefits?