Highest Rated Comments

lazerfloyd42 karma

Do you have auto steer?

lazerfloyd7 karma

Are people starting to catch on from watching smuggled dvds and televisions that pick up South Korean channels that their standard of living is substantially worse than the rest of the world?

lazerfloyd3 karma

If I was to get into this as a hobby where and how should I sell any cut gems? How would I figure out a decent price to sell them for without getting ripped off? I figure taking them to an appraiser would cost a lot of money and not be worth it.

lazerfloyd2 karma

The CFL has 12 players on the field for each team and only 3 downs. One point is scored if the ball is kicked out of the back of the end zone or kicked into the the end zone and the receiving team can not get it out. That leads to some interesting plays like this. Because the game is tied they have to get the ball out of their endzone no matter what or they lose.

In overtime both teams get a chance to score instead of it being sudden death. There is also no fair catch rule so punt receivers have to actually catch the ball and run.

Those are just the ones I can think of.

lazerfloyd2 karma

Have you eaten penguin and is it delicious? Is it greasy?