Highest Rated Comments

lastcallanniejames1 karma

Thanks, I'll have a think about it!

lastcallanniejames1 karma

At what point during someone's CBT would you recommend they consider anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication? I have been seeing my psychologist for a few years and successfully managing my problems but I am currently feeling like I am losing control of my anxiety. What are some things I should consider before looking into medication? And if I go on it, how easy will it be to come off it?

Also, if someone close to me is resisting therapy but clearly is not coping with their issues, what is the best thing I can do to help them/convince them to get help? Thanks for everything you do; I would be lost without my psych! :)

lastcallanniejames1 karma

Hi Jeffery, thanks so much for doing this AMA! I loved you as Beetee in The Hunger Games; you played him exactly as I imagined him! How did you feel your character portrayal was received overall? What have been the most memorable parts of filming for you? Are there any cast members you'd really love to work with again? And a final fan-girl question; how has it been working with Josh Hutcherson? He's fabulous and just as much fun Jennifer, but no one ever asks! Thanks :D