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landbeaver81 karma

Things... (tho not necessarily by design) is my favorite 'dirty' party game. Tell me why your game is better.

landbeaver81 karma

I love when he keeps covering the patient's mouth and talking to him.

landbeaver72 karma

This doesn't surprise me at all. I met him at AEX 2010 with my (now) wife and brother. He was super nice. Insisted we both be in pictures, and got someone else there to take them. He seemed genuinely happy to be among the crowd.

landbeaver55 karma

Our one friend LOVES puppies so a lot of puppy murdering jokes get tossed her way when she is the reader.

At times the game devolves into just making the reader say disgusting things that make her uncomfortable. Added bonus if you can secretly record them on your phone. For a while my buddy's text message tone was our very innocent friend saying "shoot cum all over my face". She didn't get why we were all laughing so hard since it didn't match the category at all. Sophomoric, but hilarious either way.

landbeaver30 karma

In the right group that can laugh at and make VERY un-PC jokes, it's hysterical.