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lafigatatia37 karma

Actually they asked a linguist to teach them the basics of numbers. I can't recall if it was Dan himself. They felt traders were taking advantage of them. However in the end they were unable to learn to count, recognise quantities or consistently draw digits.

lafigatatia9 karma

It's very unfortunate that health insurance doesn't cover biologics. A country leaving people to suffer like that is really fucked up.

I've been taking biologics for years with no side effects. No infections at all and blood tests are all fine. Biologics are targeted and only supress a part of the immune system. It isn't AIDS. You'll probably be fine.

Of course it's your choice, but they're the only thing that worked for my condition. Maybe wait until the pandemic ends, but imho you should reconsider your decision if you can afford them.

lafigatatia2 karma

NATO considers the PKK a terrorist organization (because Turkey is in NATO). Anti-ISIS fighters are charged with fighting for terrorists. It's crazy.