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l-Ashery-l13 karma

Whole bunch of factors, with one major one being the fact that the high cost of housing creates a lot more shared households, either via living with extended family or having roommates.

California had also been doing fairly well up until the massive winter surge.

l-Ashery-l2 karma

Ain't licensing fun?

His reaction is what I would expect from most people.

l-Ashery-l2 karma

...pay Chrysalis...

That was...unexpected. While it doesn't sound completely absurd the more I think about it, it still seems rather excessive. Then again, I'm not the part of a legal team for something with a large degree of popularity and so I've never dealt with people trying to piggy back off of said popularity (ie what said seemingly excessive legalities are designed to prevent/minimize).

l-Ashery-l2 karma

Why isn't anyone asking me about Jethro Tull?

So I take it you've quoted their lyrics in another book? :p