Highest Rated Comments

kuzzy361 karma

What is your textbook situation like? Do you have any? What is there condition?

kuzzy35 karma

Before you started this how much experience did you have with sex, this field, and virgins?

kuzzy32 karma

So I'm 19(m) in college and I have always wanted to skydive/wingsuit for the longest time. My question is about how much does starting this super cool hobby cost? Lessons so I can jump single, a suit, and how much dies the average trip in a plane cost? I really want to start this summer on break.

kuzzy31 karma

Besides your movies, what up and coming movies are you super excited for, either they just look cool or have a great story to tell?

kuzzy31 karma

thanks, so this is so much more then i expected but I will still start this coming summer and will just have to save more for the Rig. Cant wait to start.