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ktechmn168 karma

Not OP but this is a great question - close doors! Close your bedroom door at night, and if you notice a fire in a room, close the door to that room before leaving the house (obviously only if it's safe to do so).

This helps control the flow of air to the fire, and can be the difference between what we call a "room and contents" fire and an actual "structure fire" (the big difference being structural member involvement), especially in suburbs or rural situations without round-the-clock full time firefighters (in other words, longer response times).

Edit to add link to UL campaign: https://closeyourdoor.org/

ktechmn24 karma

One retrospective analysis of 28 facilities, showing a just over 3% correlative difference, does not convincingly make the case that diversion is driven by money, which it appears the author is suggesting.

As someone who has worked in a hospital and an ambulance, the harm I’ve seen come to patients is when a hospital admits them too aggressively(ie: MI patient when they don’t have a cath lab open), not when they go on divert.

ktechmn6 karma

Don't worry about that guy. You're a medic in the same sense most military medics are, and it doesn't take away anything from us for you to (accurately) call yourself a medic.

Keep up the good work, and pm if you need some resources or have questions.

Source: US Para without a stick up his ass

ktechmn0 karma

Been enjoying your videos, thanks for the good work you’re doing!

In brief, any thoughts on the state of EMS/paramedicine in the US? You’ve made mention of “practicing at the top of your license but no further”, but as a newly credentialed medic, I’m worried about the state of EMS, both as a contributing component of the larger healthcare problem, and as a stand-alone issue, but I feel like it’s being ignored or at a minimum not focused on by stakeholders.

It’s obvious to me that it’s incumbent on paramedics to take ownership for real change to happen, but I’m interested to get thoughts from other healthcare movers and shakers about which direction we collectively could or should start off in, rather than just shooting from the hip.