Highest Rated Comments

knut2263 karma

what is your plan for vengeance?

knut2212 karma

what is a typical workout for you?

knut2210 karma

not sure if anyone asked this yet, but do you believe in real mermaids? and if so why? and if not, what do you think mermaid legends really came from?

knut226 karma

thank you for your reply. like to think myths and legends serve a very real purpose in our lives and i think its great you are a living myth. i am also amazed at your 2 min 30 sec underwater time, do you have any recommendations on what is the best way to train for this? and have you heard of the mammalian dive reflex?

knut223 karma

through your research has there been any indication that our brains are in any sort of measurable evolutionary process? it seems the most noticeable indicators of human evolution are occurring more socially or technologically. Are there any indicators showing that we are presently evolving biologically? specifically in the brain?