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knasbte57 karma

Have you visited the r/testicularcancer subreddit? How are you handling the emotional and mental stress? Im also a 33M testicular cancer survivor. I had a slightly more complicated situation; cancer had metastasized from the right ball to my lymph nodes in my abdomen, lungs and neck. I went through 4 rounds of chemotherapy from October 2019 to January 2020. I recently had surgery to remove my righty and abdominal cancer on June 23 and am sitting on my ass trying to recover. Stay strong and positive as you have been! I spend a lot more time on reddit talking to other testicular cancer survivors and it’s been helping me cope mentally and emotionally. And men: check your goddamn balls!

knasbte48 karma

Not OP but also fighting testicular cancer and lost my righty on Jun 23. Generally speaking the docs say that the remaining ball picks up the slack and is able to generate testosterone to make up the difference! That being said, it will be the one of the things monitored during treatment and afterwards, and testosterone boosters aren’t ruled out if necessary. Good luck thing we are equipped with a spare!

knasbte30 karma

Hey bro, sounds a lot like me. I hope your first round of chemo went ok! How many rounds? Do you know if you need to get RPLND surgery too? Come check out r/testicularcancer or DM me if you have any questions!

knasbte12 karma

That’s a fucking crazy set of circumstances! He sounds very lucky to have found you and a great support structure. I feel very much the same way about my wife. It’s inspiring to hear you guys are still marching away; if I can get another 30 years outta this rundown body I’ll be happy 🤣🤣

knasbte12 karma

Chemo is no fucking joke. Stay hydrated and eat healthy! Keep your spirits up and keep surviving, even on the days that suck balls (no pun intended). Don’t hesitate to reach out, I think that mental health is one of the most important things to maintain during this period. You are a warrior! Crossing my fingers chemo does it’s job, RPLND has almost been harder!! You got this!