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kindbar34600 karma


Having a support system is so important. It's a really hard thing to go through alone, and asking for help sometimes is essential. If this means you see a therapist, this can be really helpful for people going through these types of issues. I know it can be hard to explain the nature of your life to someone who doesn't and will not ever understand, but encourage your friends/family to ask you questions so they can get to know what your everyday life with illness is like to better understand you.

Every person is unique, but I would definitely suggest playing around with diet changes to see if any foods trigger your symptoms. Most doctors won't recommend this, but I can assure you that this does help most people manage their symptoms.

If you're in school or working, talk to your employer or disability student services about accommodations that might be helpful. Maybe you don't feel you "need" anything, but accommodations are there to make someone who has a life that is harder than the general population just a little bit easier. I took advantage of accommodations half way through college and wish I did earlier.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but if you have any specific questions about certain things please ask!

kindbar34595 karma

Thank you! Sometimes its hard to acknowledge this to myself, especially when having a body that is turning against itself makes me feel very weak at times, so hearing this from another person is really encouraging.

kindbar34567 karma

I don't know what makes you say that! I can't speak to your own experiences, but I can speak to why I enjoy myself/my life.

I'm generally just a really joyful person and enjoy my life very much despite its challenges. I have an incredible support system, and I also pour my heart out into a job which serves others. I truly believe those that help others receive will just as much in return, and that we are called to do so.

I also have a close relationship with God, and I believe that's a big reason why I have a lot of joy and happiness in my life.

kindbar34534 karma

haha pretty sure it was the movie "Dude" on Netflix. It wasn't great, but I enjoy cheesy coming of age drama/comedies.

kindbar34481 karma

I changed it to include better evidence for ya.

Physically, in my everyday life I suffer from a lot of extreme fatigue and general pain (joint pain mostly, inflammation in the rib cage, stiffness). I also get nausea, swelling and migraines regularly. I have a scaly, inflamed rash that covers my entire scalp that is itchy, dry and uncomfortable. Lupus makes me really sensitive of the sun, so I have to be wary of that because it can exacerbate symptoms.

These physical issues lead to me often having to spend a lot of my time doing logistical stuff to take care of myself like ordering prescriptions, visiting different doctors and going to the pharmacy, talking to insurance companies on the phone, etc. I have a full-time job, and it is hard for me to work a full 8 hours, I often feel exhausted and won't get much other things done that day. I have to take more time off than the regular person because of bad days with my illnesses.

It also leads to a lot of emotional issues for me. I suffer from anxiety and depression stemming from my health problems. I often feel a lot of loss and shame for what I deal with. Relationships can be difficult.

But I also think it makes me a more empathetic and compassionate person. I'm also very driven because I don't my health to stop me from doing the things I care about.