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kiddhitta17 karma

Find random stuff to do. Usually start the day by putting some coveralls in the wash. Then you check how long you have between connections to give yourself an idea of what you can do in between. Shovel snow if its snowing. As for food, I always have protein bars in my locker, the dog house always has water,pop, and gatorade. In the morning they send us fruit and veggies and cheese and meats and stuff.

kiddhitta12 karma

Here in Canada its different than in the states but I make $30.60 an hour. After 44 hours I make time and a half for the last 4 hours of every day.

kiddhitta12 karma

while at work? at least 5 times. Its a mandatory safety thing.

kiddhitta12 karma

hahaha no, not even close. A rig I basically a giant drill. You drill pipe into the ground until you get where you need to be, then pull it all out. heres a video of whats called "tripping" so if you need to change the drill bit, you have to pull all the pipe out of the hole which is tripping out. After you change the bit, you gotta put it all back in the hole. thats what this is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t20Mxkm0_Y this is what I do when we need to. Its not like I do this all day everyday.

kiddhitta11 karma

Yeah, it has its days. I dont plan on doing it much longer. Just trying to save up money to do my own thing. Maybe if I lived in alberta, it wouldnt be as bad but Im from ontario and its just too much time away from family and friends.