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kfrei3 karma

He's no fan of Wickard and Filburn: http://youtu.be/wiMHivRnQU4

kfrei3 karma

Richard is great at distinguishing classical liberalism from strict libertarianism of the anarcho tradition. You can really see the contrast in this debate between him and Walter Block: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8PXEnWWRE0

I think all libertarians believe that you have to have some kind of mechanism to enforce the standard libertarian prohibitions against force (and usually fraud too). Guys like Milton Friedman's son, David D. Friedman, argue that this could be accomplished through a system of private courts; but most libertarians, like Epstein and Milton Friedman, believe this is the proper function of the limited state.

kfrei3 karma

Recently Senator Elizabeth Warren asked why the minimum wage hasn't risen with productivity to $22 / hr. Why weren't any of the professionals in the room smart enough to explain it to her?

kfrei2 karma

He wrote this article on patents yesterday: http://www.hoover.org/publications/defining-ideas/article/142741

kfrei2 karma

lol mea culpa!