Highest Rated Comments

kenjiden250 karma

Have you tried Imo's pizza yet?

Hey, my first gold! Thanks, stranger!

For the record I do love Imo's but, as you can see below, there are a lot of other great places to get a pie in St. Louis too.

kenjiden88 karma

Probably not to a New Yorker. Check it out while you are in town!

kenjiden3 karma

If English common law followed Jus Soli doctrine, as was standard for the founding fathers, and there is no explicit mention of a citizenship test other than who may hold office in the Constitution, how can conservatives, who are otherwise hellbent on "originalist" interpretations of the Constitution able to reconcile their modern interpretation of qualifiers for citizenship eligibility? I just read a CRS paper called Birthright Citizenship Under the 14th Amendment of Persons Born in the United States to Alien Parents, by Margaret Mikyung Lee (Jan 10, 2012) and i do not follow how current arguments have any room given historic legal precedent.

Interesting dialog taken from the above: Senator Cowan of Pennsylvania, who opposed both the Civil Rights act of 1866 and tge 14th Amendment asked "whether it will not have the effect of naturalizing the children of Chinese and Gypsies born in this country?" Senator Trumbull replied, "Undoubtrdly." Further, Cowas raised the spectre of unfettered Chinese immigration to California, resulting effectively in something tantamount to a takeover of California by the Chinese empire. Trumball asked Cowan whether the children born in Pennsylvania to German parents were not US citizens, to which Cowan replied that Germans were not Chinese. Trumball replied that the law made no distinction between the children of Germans and Asiatics and "the children of an Asiatic is just as much a citizen as the child of a European" (Lee, page 6)

Some things never change.

kenjiden2 karma

How muchmoney did George Soros pay you to fuck this election up? Just kidding!!