Highest Rated Comments

kembik5 karma

So you're want to give me billions of dollars so I can be on equal footing with my 'speech'. So Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and myself can all have equal impact on the decision to bomb foreign countries into oblivion. How righteous my dude.

kembik5 karma

I heard the mayor likes you guys a lot, or maybe it was actually crystal meth.

kembik3 karma

You've done a really nice job with the recording and mixing, what hardware/software are you using? (If you answered this already in this thread i'll probably find it right after posting this so don't bother answering it a second time)

kembik3 karma

Maybe they could try making a game mode that operates at half speed for the elder/tactical wizards.

kembik3 karma

So whats for sale in the in-game shop? And what sort of future path do you see for the game in general in terms of features or updates?

I didn't realize this was available, downloading now :)