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kckid259973 karma

I'm not an expert, but I believe there is a North Korean Mission to the UN in NYC. I have no idea who mans it today, if anyone, but it could be linked to that.

Here's a source. I know this because I used to prank call them back in high school. Someone would pick up the phone, but they wouldn't say anything and would always hang up whenever I inquired about Kim Jong Ill's sexual habits or anything else for that matter.

kckid259939 karma

...Danica Patrick?

kckid259924 karma

There's a few of them on the page, not sure if the lines are still active and stuff but here you go:

  • (212) 972-3105

  • (212) 972-3106

  • (212) 972-3128

  • Fax:(212) 972-3154

Good luck, we're all counting on you.

kckid259913 karma

More important than 280E reform? Why?

kckid259911 karma

Less than $5,000!!! Granted I'll need to pay for a flight from the states and back, but wow I really want to do this now. College is costing me 6 times this and I feel like I would learn a lot more doing this than being in class.

Anyways, was their time when you really thought you might be stranded somewhere?