Highest Rated Comments

kcbrush507 karma

Yay! Thanks for doing this.

Are birds color-blind? How do you even test birds to find out if they can see colors?

kcbrush3 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA. My younger brother and sister were adopted from a Russian orphanage (in Ekaterinburg) when they were almost 4 and almost 6. They're biological siblings, and I have a biological brother (my brother and I were 10 and 12 at the time). My brother has mild mental retardation and physical effects from cerebral palsy but is a pretty happy 18 year old now. My sister, on the other hand... left three years ago at the end of her junior year in high school (she was 18) and hasn't been back home since. We know about where she is (after my parents hired private investigators) but she really doesn't want anything to do with my family and has told us that multiple times. I know there are so many different factors, but any advice? My parents are great and have done everything they could to give all their children the best life possible.

kcbrush1 karma

Yes, this! Understanding the concept is first and foremost, then you get to explain that there are different "languages" for different instances. School has its own language, home has its own language, sports teams have their own language... yep, that kid got the idea, now he has to put it in school language. I love how you explained this!