Highest Rated Comments

kavorka2588 karma


kavorka2154 karma

If I want to take a culinary tour to a developing country -- what's the best bang for my buck for a one week trip? In terms of spending the week traveling in a single country. I don't need "bizarre" foods necessarily but I want the best, most interesting foods.

kavorka2148 karma

If you had a 5 year old born in June-July-August, would you redshirt them for Kindergarten so they are the oldest kid in school or youngest? What if they were gifted (top .1% IQ tests)?

kavorka289 karma

No just every industry where the <1% are obscenely paid (athletes, music).

kavorka285 karma

Why on earth didn't you want Gene Hackman originally for The French Connection? He's a great actor and was perfect for that role.