Highest Rated Comments

katherine11865 karma

Avastin is an anti vascular endothelial growth factor drug. It's indicated for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. It is used in conjunction with other therapies a lot of the time. It has been used off-label for many years for many ophthalmic conditions involving neovascularization. Just because something is not approved for use doesn't mean that it doesn't have validity for treatment. Before other drugs were approved/indicated for use for ophthalmic purpose in canada- it kept the sight of many patients (at least in the 8 years I was able to witness it). I just think sometimes stepping out of the box can do wonders, especially for quality of life.

katherine11861 karma

Fair to say. You're body your choice. I'm just saying what's "new or off label" in one instance may have been used in tha t way for multiple patients/years. Avastin ( or any antiveg-f helps to limit the vascular growth of tumors- who knows if it could help at all) everything in life carries a risk its yours to choose if the risk is too great for you. Was it brain swelling that caused the loss of vision through papillodema or visual cortex of the brain being affected, if I may ask?