Highest Rated Comments

karmakarmachameleon7420 karma

Yeah, I've been using it since then.. my eyes rolled when I read the title.

karmakarmachameleon7249 karma

Do you find it ironic that your organization's name is USAFacts, but your statement that there was no county based US map is in fact not an actual fact? Do you really think you were the first to make a county-based map 3 months after this hit the US hard? Trying to understand why the claim to be the first...

karmakarmachameleon7121 karma

Do you not see how this comes off as disingenuous? Should probably change your narrative claiming to be the first in this matter. In my opinion that's pretty disrespectful to the many independent mappers who have taken on this challenge.

karmakarmachameleon758 karma

Does the A stand for Almost?

karmakarmachameleon725 karma

Lmao they already updated their barren Wikipedia page to include this HUGE DEVELOPMENT. Can't believe we finally have a map now, May 27th!!