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kamphare20 karma

No thanks, I really hate that instance. The blue drake NEVER drops.

kamphare19 karma

Blood and gore is a big one. We also want to refrain from using jump scares actively, and only use this as a tool to create horrifying suspense and tension, the way it should be used.

Personally I was terrified of the dark, and what might be lurking where it cannot be seen. These are both examples that has made it into the game.

kamphare11 karma

Among the Sleep does not focus on blood and gore in any way. We believe creating tension through suspense, created by an eerie atmosphere can be just as scary - perhaps even more so. This is the type of horror that we try to create.

kamphare11 karma

Hey! We draw inspiration from various films, games and other things, but mostly from our own childhood memories and fears. We've had several sessions where we have talked about what frightened us the most when we were children, and we try include this as much as we can in the design!

kamphare10 karma

Hey, thanks for the kind words!

  • We draw inspiration from several games. Although, we find Among the Sleep quite different from other games, so there is no game that particularly stands out.

  • We want the players to have experienced a good and solid story on multiple levels, both by observing the exact levels and events of the game, and metaphorically. We want to create an eerie experience through immersion, and with this, provoke emotions like fear, which many of us does not feel very often.

  • The idea behind Among the Sleep initially started as an idea I got a good while back. I pitched it to the team as we were going to do a game as our thesis project, and we ended up making what became the start of Among the Sleep. Since then, the game has taken several drastic changes to become what it is today. So saying that it has been a collaborative idea from the start is pretty accurate!

  • Yes, Teddy will accompany the player as a sidekick. But mostly hanging on the child's back, so you don't have to worry an annoying AI following you around.

Thanks for showing interest in the game!