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kalamityj4ne7 karma

If more people in their 30's are getting cancer, but a colonoscopy is routine only at age 50, what factors should encourage a healthy person in their 30's to get the procedure (aside from family history)?

kalamityj4ne2 karma

Hello! I became hypothyroid after going off the pill. I'd attributed hair loss to change in sex hormones, but realized it was due to lo thyroid function. I had no family history or previous thyroid issues. I have read that there is some indication that low progesterone production due to stopping birth control could be a cause for low thyroid function.

Almost 4 years later, I still struggle with low progesterone issues that I didn't have before the pill. I understand there can be other factors, but I truly believe the pill had long term adverse effects on my health. What do you recommend for those who want to cease hormonal birth control to normalize hormone levels and function afterward?