Highest Rated Comments

kaikemy1171 karma

I hope your wait is short and find relief soon.

What symptoms did you have initially? What prompted you to seek medical attention?

kaikemy274 karma

Any plans on resuming recommendations for non-US travelers again?

kaikemy15 karma

College is tough and this adds another challenge but you'll be stronger for it.

I recommend having a close friend on speed dial that can rush to your side when needed. Glad you listened to your mom and visited the doctor. All the best and post updates if you can!

kaikemy4 karma

Wow I'm sorry to hear that. Do you still have the illness or have you overcome it?

You clearly had some crazy complications. Your immune system ambushed your kidneys. Makes me feel like strep can be really dangerous with the right body conditions

kaikemy1 karma

Can you provide a template of the most important information you need when looking for a person?