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kadam2336 karma

My first time in jail I remeber I entered a 50 man bunk dorm. I settle in, and my bunkie offers me a line of coke as a welcome gift. I was posted bail about 5 hours later. I'll never forget how fast I dodged that debt.

kadam236 karma

Trailer park boys reference?

kadam236 karma

Lol I'd still call the cops on that fucker with the gun

Last question; is your shift almost over?

Years ago I worked at a gas station in East new York Brooklyn. The name alone should tell you to never walk the streets after sunset... anyhow the gas station I was in had a huge store. But I was inside a little bullet proof bubble inside said store. Cash register, safe, lotto, cigs and me is inside bulletproof box. 2 thugs walk in, manager and I give each other the look, like shit we know something about to go down (then again something went down every 5 mins) they wander the store all casual like, come up to our bubble and pull the door. My fuck head manager forgot to LOCK. So they simply walk in all in one action sucker punch him sucker punch me. Both on floor. His friend drags him to the instore bathroom zip ties him to pipes. Zip ties my legs and hands to safe. Other friend goes and locks entrance to store, so customers don't come in. But then Continue pumping gas for customers. Working the registers and pumps like as if they had worked there them selfs. I knock out a few times and decide just to lay down and keep my head down and try to sleep it off as much as I can during the ordeal. 2nd shift manager came about 10 minutes after they left.

kadam233 karma

Your thoughts on Erdogan?

kadam233 karma

Hey I don't know if you're still around or not, but those box exchanges have always been my favorite type of booths. Having worked in one I have a question

See the drinks that are displayed outside? What happens if someone picked one up and walked away

  1. Is the owner Turkish or Indian? That's all they ever are

  2. You answered plenty of bathroom questions but didn't read any about YOUR needs

  3. Was your stabbings job relayed or whole other story? If job related I want to hear it I was tied up in the floor for about 5 hours while the thieves worked the gas pumps and registers and then left at the end of their (my) shift.

  4. Since you have you basically have a bomb proof glass. If I waved a gun around and demanded money, do you laugh or oblige?