Highest Rated Comments

kabukistar66 karma

Do you have to reveal how all of your tricks are done to the producers?

kabukistar18 karma

What's the worst you've ripped somebody off? Have you ever felt bad about a deal where you gave somebody significantly less than what their gold was worth?

kabukistar2 karma

Are the mug and muffin stored on the underside of the table until they appear?

kabukistar2 karma

I took an implicit bias test online. There were a variety of different tests to determine (for example) whether you had an implicit bias as women being less competent than men, and one to see if you saw blacks as more dangerous than whites. There was no IB test regarding if you see men as more dangerous than women, though. This is a significant stereotype that seemed to be missing from the tests.

Have you ever studied whether people have an implicit bias to see men as more dangerous than women? If so, what were the results? If not, why not?

kabukistar2 karma
