Highest Rated Comments

k0mbaticus1014 karma

Forbes has called you "the most commercially successful magician in history." What advice would you give to aspiring illusionists who might want to follow in your footsteps?

Edit: oops, typed the same word twice

k0mbaticus98 karma

I also bought VVVVVV with the HIB and I just wanted to say that I hate you. You know why.

That one trinket. You know, doing things the hard way? Yeah, you're a dick.

really though, you're awesome. keep it up

k0mbaticus5 karma

When I talk with people who dismiss the validity of pre-election polls, they often tell me that pollsters' models are relying on 2008 level turnout and thus should be ignored. Given your experience and the level of attention you've surely paid to this election cycle, do you find this criticism legitimate, or are these people mistaken?