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jwtemp19833 karma

How has this impacted your family? Is it divided with supporters of him and non-supporters of him, or did another scenario happen entirely?

jwtemp19831 karma

So now that it's all said and done, where does everyone stand? Are there members on his side and your mother's side of the family that fall on different sides of the line?

I'm asking this sort of specific question because my wife was a victim of molestation, and unfortunately her family was ripped in half by it. His family supported him (despite his conviction in a court of law and overwhelming evidence of his obvious guilt) and continues to remain in contact with him today. His wife is still married to and lives with him as well, which I will never, ever understand. I don't believe I'm capable of it actually.

jwtemp19831 karma

Well, I'm honestly very happy to hear that. I appreciate you sharing your experience.