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justthetipbro221096 karma

Scientology. Not even once.

justthetipbro2247 karma

Right? ITT she's spouting how she just LOVES DP and getting her ass rammed by a BBC etc....

She isn't stupid, she knows her popularity relies on people believing she loves what she does.

justthetipbro2221 karma

Are we supposed to believe her pic is legit?

Other than that we have literal zero proof, and in her pic she didn’t even include that standard sign with day/acct/ama written

justthetipbro226 karma

How do you respond to the people who are saying you do all this for profit and to drum up sales of your book?

justthetipbro222 karma

Why do an AMA with such a shitty photo?

That thing is like 4 pixels