justins96786 karma11/29/2017, 11:29:30 PM
My mom saw you on one of the soap operas (U.S.) she watches last week.
She couldn't remember your name and asked me "who's the black British comedian with the travel show?"
I said "Richard Ayoade?"
"YES! Yes, that's it."
That didn't sound right to me so i looked for a clip of the show. It took me about 20 minutes to track one down.
My questions are 1) what are you doing playing a camera man on a shitty soap and 2) is my mom a bit racist?
EDIT: Here is the clip. Romesh comes on at 7:55 into the video.
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justins96786 karma
My mom saw you on one of the soap operas (U.S.) she watches last week.
She couldn't remember your name and asked me "who's the black British comedian with the travel show?"
I said "Richard Ayoade?"
"YES! Yes, that's it."
That didn't sound right to me so i looked for a clip of the show. It took me about 20 minutes to track one down.
My questions are 1) what are you doing playing a camera man on a shitty soap and 2) is my mom a bit racist?
EDIT: Here is the clip. Romesh comes on at 7:55 into the video.
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