Highest Rated Comments

just_an_ordinary_guy121 karma

Unlikely. Cops have a known problem with domestic violence. It's about double the national average.

just_an_ordinary_guy79 karma

Surprisingly, this is very similar to the stereotype caricature of a neckbeard. Are neckbeards actually spies?

Edit: I think caricature is a bit of a better fit.

just_an_ordinary_guy76 karma

Fertilizers from lawns. Runoff that otherwise would be absorbed into the earth instead goes to the harbor.Probably other reasons too. Plus the Chesapeake Bay has a large water shed that includes lots of farms. Run off from pastures and fertilized fields play a lot into this. I treat water on a tributary of the Susquehanna, and the organic material makes things tough sometimes.

just_an_ordinary_guy57 karma

It's only carelessness of the operator if they had to defeat lock out tag out to start it. Granted, this could have happened before lock out tag out.

just_an_ordinary_guy49 karma

From his other comments, this would happen multiple times an hour and it'd fuck up production to loto every time. So, shit bag company fosters a culture of ignoring loto, and workers are too afraid or too ignorant to speak up or refuse to do it.

If it's such a disruption to the production line, the company should have engineered a fix or dealt with delays. But, as shit bag companies do, they didn't do anything right. Sounds like these guys need a union.