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just__a__loser5253 karma

First, let me say this. Most of my generation felt like they don't have a home or country. We hated where we live and what happened to us, (the influencers and celebrities that are benefiting from what is happening always told us we are the problem and everything that is happening to us is our fault. But this time we said No. we are not the problem and how dare you shame the victims. so we boycott them). But right now for the first time, we feel like we belong to something, to somewhere, and to each other. This is our biggest victory.

We are hopeful to win this time and have the freedom to be able to just live, to don't have to watch they destroy any more life, river, jungle or family.

What we fear is that if we fail we all know there will be a massive execution, they will try to kill or arrest anyone they can and definitely make these so-called police stronger and maybe this will be our last chance.

just__a__loser2876 karma

We know there is no going back. I've never seen a revolution so I don't know.

We had many protests but they didn't like this. They are afraid. They called every possible person that accept to fight in the street. I saw with my own eyes that they just teach some teen boys basic stuff about how to suppress people and on the same day they send them to the streets to fight with people.

The big difference is that we were always trying to not hurt any one, even when they killed us, but now we are fighting back. We defend ourselves and we are not afraid of them anymore.

just__a__loser2337 karma

in terms of money and NGO, unfortunately no. there is no guarantee that your money isn't spend on guns to suppress people. We need you to do something far more important. we need you to talk about it, talk about how we are fighting with nothing in our hand for freedom, how young girls and boys is in street shouting "WOMEN, LIFE, FREEDOM" and instead they use school and ambulance to arrest people. This way the regime knows you are watching and they know they have to answer to the world so maybe they be less violent. If you want to do more, contact you politicians or show to them somehow that you need them to stop supporting Islamic republic.

just__a__loser2287 karma

It's hard to admit but they are less active in these protests. Not that they are not any older women but they mostly say that it doesn't work like any other time that we tried or don't risk your life just leave the country.

They aren't in favor of the regime but they are more suppressed. Young people are more fearless. especially "the 80s people" (it's like gen z but in the Iranian calendar from 1380 til 1389) that are between 12-21 years old.

just__a__loser1686 karma

It's complicated.

Yes, they can use it against me in court for "Insulting the leadership trying to destroy the Islamic republic ". But it doesn't matter. My friends are in street and any time they can kill you with a gun and not answer to any one.

Also if you have Twitter you can see #مهسا_امینی these are people that use this hashtag to say to each other that they aren't alone and why they don't want this regime (if you checked Twitter, definitely give them hope they need it). So everyone is using every way possible to say no, so until they don't have the exact information about me it not worth the money to find out who I am because there is a lot of us.