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jurble127 karma

opens skyrim

jurble21 karma

I've always wanted to live in the woods for a bit, but I've always wondered about the legal aspect:

Were you staying there in-season for (whatever you ate) or what? I've always thought it'd suck to be living a cave-man life and suddenly a park ranger cites you for poaching.

jurble19 karma

According to the Ukrainian Prime Minister, the US is making a space colony in Ukraine.

First of all, in 20 years the European Union will be changed considerably and the CIS countries will also be changed. I believe the basic EU principles — like freedom, human rights, and democracy — will be more and more the same principles of the CIS members.

But it is impossible to predict what will happen in 20 years. I will tell you a story: I just got back from a plant in Dnipropetrovsk. Only 20 years ago, it was a highly classified facility that produced missiles and satellites for the Soviet Union. Today, I saw with my own eyes: it is producing the first stage of parts for the US-designed Stanford Torus space station in collaboration with scientists from the United States. You cannot imagine the level of cooperation and trust this requires. Who could have imagined that 20 years ago, during the Cold War?


jurble14 karma

Coroners are descended from a judicial position in England whose job it was to decide if a dead guy was murdered or not. We began electing them because in England a coroner on the side of the local baron could decide someone murdered by the baron's son had died naturally. Electing coroners was to prevent their corruption by whomever appointed them into letting unjust killings slide.

jurble9 karma

On the positive side, apparently wearing a shirt makes Lifecoach the best Hearthstone player in the world.