Highest Rated Comments

js1125256 karma

Hi Mark, If you actually found yourself as the Hulk one day, which has been known to happen from time to time*, what would be the first thing you would smash?

*Source: Wikipedia and Brian Williams

js1125151 karma

Mr. Lundgren,

Do you believe that the end result in your match with Rocky Balboa was mainly due to the fact he was given a much better training montage than you? Not to cow tow to a celebrity, but I am convinced you were one, maybe two, log lifts away from: a.) Defeating Mr. Balboa and b.) ensuring the Cold War went on for a few more solid years.

js1125128 karma

120 years old but want to look 60? Easy: snatch birthdays. One Million Percent possible

js112566 karma

Snatched with humility and compassion. It's what the sensei cop would want

js112559 karma

Hi Patrick,

Big fan of your Sirius show. First, thanks for playing so much Pavement. My question - if you could choose one artist to have a devoted station (a la Pearl Jam, Billy Joel, etc.) who would it be?