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jp_lolo86 karma

In Hawaii something similar happened. But at some point, about 30 years ago?... they started bringing back their culture. I'm not sure how they did it, other than offer the language classes in community colleges, promote Hawaiian culture festivities, speak with the elders and document before they all pass away... it's really impressive how they came back.

jp_lolo45 karma

My male dog has always been able to sense when there is danger or if he should be cautious. It's hard to believe because he has so much energy and can be overwhelming.

But a few examples are, when my roommate came home with a broken collar bone we thought we'd have to restrain him to avoid jumping on her. But when she came in he put his head down and stayed nearby, stayed calm, and rubbed his nose on her knee when she sat down.

When I came home after surgery, he again was happy I was home but kept a couple feet back until I sat down. Then when he approached me he looked for approval before getting too close.

He jumped up one day in a panic and we didn't know why. He looked very worried. Then 15 seconds later an earthquake hit.

If there is any bad air quality he'll run for cover.

If I'm in the water and my head goes under or if I splash, hell grab my hair, clothes, or if he has to my arm and will pull me into shore and won't stop until my entire body is out of the water. It's really annoying.

jp_lolo20 karma

cool AMA. never even knew this job existed. but i guess that makes sense.

jp_lolo1 karma

How much is that in today's money?

jp_lolo1 karma

Do your shins hurt?