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joshr4510 karma

this is exactly what i do when I'm looking to make a simple program that doesn't seem to exist, look at a few examples strip them down to what i need and make them work, normally my programs only take me 1-6 hours to complete depending on how much I've forgotten :P

PS. Thanks for the Great Prince of Persia game :)

joshr451 karma

yup, after urgent care visit i saw my regular doctor, hes the one that told me after i had run out of pain meds to just take ibuprofen and go back to work, then i told him i wanted a referral to a pain clinic since i had a friend that worked at one, all they would do is steroid injections and the last one they tried was a 6 needle injection to numb the nerves around my spine, the doctor after he got the last needle in place bumped it which caused me to yell at him and he didn't realize he did it and he told me calm down i haven't even done anything yet.... wanted to punch him in the face.

they couldn't help me and wouldn't do anymore then injections because i was so young so they referred me over to another pain management place where i got a nice doctor who actually ran a CT scan so they could see what actually was going on, and then i was sent to the surgeon to talk about options and i kinda wish i never went with fusion but i didn't want it happening again there.

Edit: Side note.. the second place i went to that just did the steroid injections never numbed the area.... Ever. i had one steroid injection while at the pain management place where i was numbed around the whole area, barely felt a thing.

joshr451 karma

Not a car accident but my scar looks almost the same as your's just not as long, had spinal fusion on L4-5 mine only goes to the top of my belly button.

I had a Trampoline accident when i was 13-14 which cause the majority of my pain throughout my life which i attributed to growing pains and i just dealt with them, then when i was 23 i got food poisoning and threw up so hard it herniated & tore in the front, and blew out the back of the disc, doctor's wouldn't believe me being 23 and being in that much pain said it was just muscle pain and told me to go back to work, on meds i could only stand 15 mins at max and had to sit down.

joshr451 karma

I used to fix computers for people after they came back from best buy, normally half the time they did nothing to fix the problem other half re-install OS.

my friends kept saying you should apply to geek squad and i'm always saying... i don't think they would like me taking over and actually fixing computers, i'd be great at handling customers but that's only if their problem is actually gone and didn't cost them an arm and a foot..

I have seen the MRI software CD geek squad runs around with.. pretty funny EDIT: Forgot words

joshr451 karma

there were a few options i had, i think 3, Fusion obviously, Cauterization of the disc (they run a hot wire around the disc area from what i understood), and i think the other one was do nothing and hope it heals itself