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josefx4 karma

Given that you had a literal death ray fired at your head and are still alive I assume you have gained some form of immortality.

josefx3 karma

As far as I have read the second sensor is always there, connected to a redundant flight control system. Only one of the systems is active during flight, so only one sensor is used. The upsell is just adding a visual indicator that compares both, the MCAS would still only check the active sensor.

josefx2 karma

And here I just recently started eating vegan burgers every few days. Will stop by a McDonalds this weekend to counterbalance all that not good natural food.

josefx2 karma

Cheap and 3D printing of individual bits does not fit together if the alternative is generic mass production. Best we can probably hope for is that some company decides to mass produce and sell an allergen free version.

josefx1 karma

Look it up on wikipedia. The sketch is from ~1920 and originates in Britain. The NDR just flew in the two actors (who already performed it as early as 1945) and recorded it for a German audience.