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jordanFromJersey11 karma

Which main character's arc was the most difficult to effectively track through the season, and why?

jordanFromJersey11 karma

Nothing would make me happier than to believe that this was the real Mo Ryan talking to Alan on Reddit... well, other than AD season 4 getting here early I guess...

jordanFromJersey10 karma

You dropped by our season 4 timeline early in its production:

  1. how accurate do you think our work has been so far?
  2. How similar was it to the timeline you worked from?(we've seen images of the multicolored index cards wallpapering the writer's room, is that what you worked from?)

(link for anyone who hasn't visited or contributed to the timeline: http://www.reddit.com/r/arresteddevelopment/comments/1f4pvc/spoiler_season_4_ad_redditors_lets_put_together_a/)

jordanFromJersey7 karma

Six seasons and a movie!

jordanFromJersey4 karma

Those were the hardest ones for us to track in the timeline thread as well.

Thanks for the reply!