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jonathanchau1 karma

In this current industry, it's hard for composers starting out like myself to find any opportunities at all, and must resort to offering free work in order to gain experience and connections. However, it's been discussed that this modern surge of fully equipped composers and free labor is shifting the entire industry for the worst, and lowering the overall standard for all artists.

What do you think about it?

I hate to think I'm contributing to a downward shift of the very industry I'm trying to work my way into.

EDIT: Also, how would you compare the video game scoring industry to the film and television scoring industry? It seems that there's more stability and in-house jobs to be found in the former, do you find this to be true? Thanks again for the AMA!

jonathanchau1 karma

Thanks for your in depth response, lots of great advice. Onto the world of sound design.