Highest Rated Comments

jimthewanderer231 karma

It's also incredibly significant for Eru to actually do anything, let alone resurrect someone directly in one of the stories.

List of shit Eru does:

  1. Starts a barbershop pendecet and creates the universe with a sweet tune.

  2. Creates Elves and Men. Later legitimises the Dwarves, as they where made in secret.

  3. Sunk Atlantis Numenor, made the Earth a Sphere, and made heaven unreachable by conventional means.

  4. Resurrected his homeboy Gandalf.

  5. Gave Gollum a nudge.

He's a pretty minimalist God as things go.

jimthewanderer207 karma

"The Columbo Technique"

jimthewanderer22 karma

The Arkenstone Itself must be worth a few countries,

jimthewanderer4 karma

He isn't denying it he's just uncomfortable with the term, and it's connotations

jimthewanderer2 karma

Dutch has a huge influence on English, but it's very dificult to notice unless you know what to look for.

The Printing press was brought to England by via the netherlands, so a lot of the early operators influenced the language quite a lot.