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jesusohok2 karma

I am in Texas so this may not apply to what you could say, if so sorry.

But if you have spent time in jail, and then never eventually charged with a crime. If you catch a case at later date could those days spent in lockup count towards any time you could be served with?

I'm asking this because I was placed in county jail, then released when outside sources brought forth evidence proving I didn't do what I was being charged with (criminal mischief) and am now on probation for assault on a peace officer. I made the mistake of asking the whole "if I am not being detained I am free to go right?" and the officer got a little upset and threw me to the ground, and then I got charged with resisting and assault.

Also I would like to tell you to look up a lawyer in Austin, Tx called Adam Reposa. On youtube specifically. He is a person who is against the practice of many courts just getting people to plead guilty for lesser sentences and the like. His videos are very entertaining and he seems to be someone who is passionate about the shortcomings of the legal system in general.

jesusohok1 karma

It does, Lenny Bruce was a great man. You are right there.

And I know this job is heavy stress. After watching the videos and reading about Adam I wonder and worry if he will end up jaded down the line. Your responses to the questions in this thread are very nice and detailed. I really hope you never get jaded as well. The job you do is admirable.

jesusohok1 karma

Hey, thanks for the response!

And yeah, this guy is amazing. I am currently debating to maybe get off of probation as I have a good job waiting for me out of state, and he is saying I could maybe get even some SWAP time. Which I don't know if the same term is there in New York. But essentially work-release. Mr. Reposa is great, a lot of lawyers in town either think he is insane or love him. I think he is just tired of the state of things and honestly that is a good thing.

Best of luck to you!