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jerryk4141021 karma

So i've always wondered what employees thoughts are when asked to do questionable things like some of the stuff the NSA does. Back when you were an employee, what was the general consensus around the "office" when asked to create a civilian surveillance program?

Were your coworkers all gung-ho and convinced they were doing the right thing? Did they think it was awful, but it paid the bills? Or was it something that was just never discussed?

jerryk4147 karma

Which bathrooms do you use?

Also, are you physically a man or a woman, and if the former, do you plan on having genital reconstructive surgery?

jerryk4146 karma

I don't find it offensive or rude at all.

Also, the AMA is about someone who publicly came out as transgender, and since gender is traditionally based off of what type of genitalia is present I would think that asking about her genitalia is completely relevant.

jerryk4143 karma

I recently lost a lot of weight and one of the things that I've wanted to do since I got down to around 250 lbs is go skydiving. I set myself a goal to get to 220 lbs before I would go out of fear of being turned down because of the strict weight limits.

I've hit my goal and I really want to go, but I'm afraid that it's too cold to go skydiving now (i'm located in northern Ohio). Is temperature an actual problem when skydiving? If so, what is the general accepted minimum temperature to make a jump?

Or do your skydiving suits keep you pretty well insulated?

jerryk4142 karma

Who are your favorite super heroes?